Dance Jam Productions

Dance Jam Productions Inc. Rockville, MD.

Production resources & solutions for live entertainment events
World’s Largest West Coast Swing Dance festival
World’s Largest, Weekly West Coast Swing dance party!

West Coast Swing dance champions Greg & Lemery Rollinscott lead this weekly study group on Mondays at DJPHQ. Join them to work on West Coast Swing with a friendly, supportive group. A new topic for each month.

Will be held at Dave & Casey’s private home studio in Rockville MD.

For students with a solid working knowledge of all the basics and common variations. Significant social dancing experience is recommended.

May 16-18, 2025
Hollywood Ballroom. 

Jakub & Emeline are the current world champions of West Coast Swing and one of the current top teaching couples. They will be our guests for leveled workshops, Friday & Saturday night shows, and 2 nights of amazing social dancing.

Jack & Jill contests (Newcomers – Allstar) for cash prizes & WSDC points.

RSVP on facebook

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